A standing form of meditation, “Kyudo is unlike sports archery in that hitting the target counts for little. In Kyudo, the target serves only as a mirror of one’s mind. With this practice the aim is to synchronize body and awareness in the present moment, and thus purify the heart and mind. The result is is confidence and the natural dignity of being human, beyond the obstacles of ambition, aggression or confusion.”
Join Toby Bernal and Dr. Claudelle Glasgow for an introduction to the traditional practice of Kyudo. This weekend training will teach participants the style and technique of Kyudo and how to apply the principles of Kyudo to everyday life.
This program is open to those 16 years of age and older.
“Through Kyudo, one can learn to live beyond hope and fear, how to be.” - Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Register here: https://seattle.shambhala.org/program-details/?id=403383