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The Importance of Community: BIPOC Panel Featuring Aarti Tejuja, Joy Gutierrez, Martina Bouey, Dr. Claudelle Glasgow, & Dr. Shanté Paradigm Smalls

This panel of meditation teachers focusing on issues facing Buddhist, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and other communities. How does community, meditation, and connection help us face and change harmful circumstance? How do we connect in the age of incredible speed and AI technology? How do we build communities focused on healing, celebration, and wellness?

The cost for this talk is $10 for the General Public and $20 for Patrons who wish to pay-it-forward. We ask that Groups and Meditation Centers to please pay within the $40-$60 range. Register HERE

Because we are committed to making this talk accessible to all, there is also a 25% discount option. To request this discount or a further scholarship, write to


7:00pm ET/4:00pm PST - Welcome & guided meditation

7:25pm ET/4:25pm PST - Dharma talk

7:55pm ET/4:55pm PST - Q&A with teacher

8:10pm ET/5:10pm PST - Announcements

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+ A link to view the event live

+ Access to view the archived video after the live event concludes